Dabei seit: 2015-09-03T13:49Z
Beiträge: 66
I use one E7 since 2014 and recently Coach S.
Also recently World Tours 2.0.3, with both, on Windows 10.
From Kettler Nederland a good helpfile to install the bluetooth on Coach S. On E7, only with USB printercable.
Personally I would like to have the same IPN system on the Coach S as on the E7.
That means:
IPN test, and 24 exercices based on that test and personal parameters.
I feel that today there is a big discrimination between bycicle training posibilities and variations, and rowing feasabilities.
For an insider/programmer it should be a simple job to manage all the same programs from biking to rowing.
Thanks for all remarks and experiences.
[Dieser Beitrag wurde 2 mal bearbeitet, zuletzt am 2015-09-21T21:10Z.]